Saturday, February 18, 2012

Long time no post..

A while back I set this blog to private, for reasons that I can't even remember now. It probably had to do with me not wanting certain people to read my posts. I really do not care now.
I forgot about this blog, due to life happening. So I figure, since I am setting it to public again, I might as well give a brief run down on what happened since 9 of '09.
2 and a half years that I have not used it a lot has changed.
1. I got married
2. The death of 2 friends
3. The death of a family member

I started posting a lot on tumblr, just because I felt like only posting pictures of lols and lulz. I did not feel like writing anything. I don't know if I will feel like it again or not. I suppose I should motivate myself. I find that when I am typing away, it relieves stress, even if I am just posting nonsense. :)

So yeah, here is a 4chan pic that always makes me laugh...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

These are not photoshopped. These books REALLY exist.

I was at Meijer's the other night, (If you don't have Meijer's in your area, you are missing out. It is like wal mart- WITHOUT The wal mart customers!) and was in their book section, and found these ultra classy books.




Seriously? Who reads this crap?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Here is a cute over dose for everyone. BUNNIES!!

I was at this pet store the other day, and couldn't resist filming these bunnies. They were being way too cute.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tour of my house:The Kitchen

This is the last video. I decided AGAINST filming the 2nd floor of my house, since there is nothing upstairs.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Roadtrip to Newark, OH

Travis and I decided to go see the Basket building last weekend.
It is in Newark Ohio, along route 16. I have seen pictures of it, but to see it in person was great. It is much larger than I thought. Here are some pictures.

Just to give you an idea of how large it is. Look at the bottom right hand side of this picture. That is my boyfriend and his car!

That wasn't all we did. We drove to a small town called Frazeysburg. This is where "The worlds largest apple basket" is. Well the area seems to be closed off to the public now. I still went in to get a picture. It is close to 30 feet tall. The apples actually look real. It was pretty cheesy, and pretty cool at the same time. :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kitsch At It's Finest. Blanchester, Ohio's Giant Horseshoe Crab.

Outside of the Freedom Baptist Church in Blanchester, Ohio is a giant horseshoe crab.
Meet Crabby. The world's largest horseshoe crab. 68 feet long, and 28 feet wide. It is one of MANY crazy road side attractions that makes Ohio so entertaining.

This is not only a statue. It is a theater as well! With a ceiling that is about 12-13 feet high, and a movie screen, and about enough room to fit about 60 people.**

It is a place you just have to see for yourself.